FellesPhotonicChina install a EU-made UV femtosecond micromachining system in Herbert Gleiter Institute of Nanoscience of Nanjing University of Sicence and Technology(NJUST)China. It is the first UV fs laser micromachining system in China.
Felles Photonic get the order through winning the international open tender launched by the university since the contract price is high. Then the company finsih the shipment, customs clearance, installation and customer training at the lab of customer site.

The UV femtosecond micro-processing system privide perfect micro-nano processing and fine processing, provide revolutionary breakthrough research tool for the institute according to one of the professors.
The installed UV femtosecond micromachining system installed in the Institute will work with the German Carl Zeiss nano CT.
Successfully selling the system to the world's top research institutions and successfully worik with the world's top German Carl Zeiss nano CT,fully explains that Felles Photonic's capacity of customer service and sales achieve world-class standards.

This set of UV femtosecond laser micromachining system has the world's leading fully automated function, with automatic debris removal system, automatic sample positioning system, automatically adjust the laser polarization and laser energy, truly achieve peace of mind, efficient operation, very suitable for laser Research on Micro - Nano fabrication.
The interaction between UV-Femtosecond laser and matter is a cutting-edge topic in the world. UV light has higher photon energy, and it has more advantages in the micro-nano machining of materials. The interaction between ultra-fast laser and material in ultraviolet band is worth exploring. However, to have UV fs laser stable with high energy output is more difficult comparing to the fundamental frequency laser. The European partner of Felles Photonic breakthrough the problem, to achieve comparable stability and reliability of the fundamental frequency, and fired for the scientific research of laser energy.
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